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Lisbon was a dream, this city was definitely the most picturesque city I been to so far. I couldn't put my camera down. Every inch had character. The buildings were embellished with beautiful Arabesque tiles, and the weather was just perfect.

On this trip I decide to get creative with my Karama scarves that's way I decided to turn them into a vest! How cool, right? I will do a video tutorial soon. 

I didn't get a chance to vlog and to be honest I didn't know if I wanted that pressure to start vlogging on my trips because it can be a bit stressful. It can distract me from being in the moment. However I do want to know if you guys prefer to see more vlogs, let me know in the comments.

Here are some pictures I took with my phone.

I hope you enjoyed the pictures. I know I went overload haha. I will be posting the other days soon.