Karama - Holistic Home Decor + Lifestyle | Mind, Body + Home

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Karama Storefront + The Power of Manifestation

We have a Storefront. It feels surreal writing about it, especially since we weren’t planning to do something like this until way down the line, like in 10 years. It truly all happened so fast. How fast? Literally took five weeks to sign the lease and renovate/ design the space. Crazy? I know.

How it all happened?

Well, we need to go back a bit. Years ago I created a vision board of my dream life. How I wanted to own a business which allowed me to have a cute corner store inspired by Europen cafes. I would look at this vision board every now and then and add more pictures to my “future store”. Every morning for months I would manifest the shop and how it would look, how it smelt and how it would feel to see my customers in person.

On July 2019, I was sitting in the back seat of my mother’s car and noticed a corner store for lease. I thought how cute, and quickly took a photo of the number. My intention was simply curiosity. I called and spoke to the landlord. We instantly booked an appointment. When I arrived at the storefront I knew in my heart this was it. This was the space I have been dreaming of. The large windows, the view of the mountains and the fact it was so close to home, had me sold

This is when I knew the power of manifestation was real. Your mind is truly the most powerful tool you have. To receive the outcomes you desrie, you need to train your mind to see the possibilities and to see the blessings you already have.

I truly hope this storefront can serve as a safe haven for a community of brilliant people ready to design the life of their dreams. If you are ever in town please do stop by. I love nothing more to meet the people who inspire me to wake up and share my life with <3

BTW, how cute is my dessert table? I did it under 10mins!