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New Beginning Ritual- Manifest a Mindful Life of Your Dreams

About my Year

Hello Beautiful Souls! It is the last day of this crazy yet amazing year. I started the year rushing to a Whole Foods and picking up the Origin Magazine, that I was featured in. One of my dreams coming true! “This is going to be a great year I told myself” Little did we know, all our lives will change forever.

This was the first year I was forced to sit down and reflect. To be honest, the whole year was a reflection year.

I say forced because at the start of the year I broke my ankle. This was one of my fears. The second fear is drowning which almost happened as well this year.

I spent the first six months healing what I thought would be just my ankle but later turned to heal all my past trauma.

For those of you who know me, know that I take fitness very seriously. It is one of the main things that helped cure my anxiety and depression. As you can imagine, not being able to walk reintroduced all the trauma.

I later realized the blessing in disguise. God knew the only way I can heal is if I truly sat down and worked through my pain.

In the last half of the year, I tried to get back into the swing of things but it was hard. My sleep schedule was off (thanks to TikTok), I started to breakout, and although I was back to working out I still felt lost. This is when I started to travel. I did road trips to Upstate New York, then spent a few weeks in California (was considering to move there), and then went on an island for my Birthday.

Nature always finds its way to ground me and make me feel like myself again. I was glad that I could be able to heal this way.

And now I am here! Sharing with you the rituals that helped me through this tough time!

Reflection Begins

Since this year was all about reflecting. I created rituals that helped me discover new parts of myself and let go of the things that no longer served me.

New Beginning RItual

Gratitude Jar

Write down all the things you are grateful for this year.

Cut each sentence and put them in a jar. Have the jar placed somewhere you won’t forget and every time you are feeling down grab a piece and read it.

“Gratitude reduces a multitude of toxic emotions, from envy and resentment to frustration and regret. People who are grateful are more likely to be healthier as well”

Let it Go

On a piece of paper write all the things that hurt you or didn’t work out your way.

On the bottom write out the lesson you learned from each event.

Next, throw away or burn the paper. I prefer burning. There’s something therapeutic about watching the flags dance. Please be cautious when doing this.
Affirm out loud that you let go of the hurt and welcome in new lessons.

Goal Setting

You know this is my favorite! Plan out your yearly goals for different categories. But I want you to also write down the emotion you feel when you accomplish each goal. “Expressing positive emotions could be a strategic tool for improving goal attainment”

Goal Categories:







Try keeping your goals to yourself. Psychology says when you keep your goals to yourself you are more likely to achieve them.

Change your Space

Declutter your environment can affect your mood. A nice and neat space can help you feel better. Change up your space. You don’t need to do anything special just tidy up, decorate, and create a happy space.

Adding a new plant and watching it grow all year can really encourage you to push through. An easy plant to take care of is the Snake Plant. This plant is air purifying and really hard to kill. Haha. SO if you aren’t a great Plant Parent don’t worry the Snake Plant will definitely make you feel better.

I hope you find these tips helpful. May this year be filled with greatness and gratuide.

Happy Healing my loves :)


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