28 Day Self-Care Challenge


Love and take care of yourself.

We all live busy lives, it’s easy for us to get lost in all the commotion that we forget to just take a minute to ourselves and unwind. As a business owner, I seem to not have enough hours  to just relax; even when I am watching Netfilex I'm doing some form of multitasking.

Stress is an ugly thing, it doesn’t just effect you emotionally but it can physically effect you (bad skin, gain weight, insomnia ,etc)

 I decided to challenge myself this month to some self-caring.

February is usually a month associated with love, I thought what better time to starting loving and taking care of yourself than now.

I created a 28 day Self Care Challenge. Everyday there is something small for you to do that brings you closer to loving and taking care of yourself.

Join me on Instagram @karamaco , upload your self care photo challenge and use the hashtag #KCSelfCare 

Challenge Accepted!

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