She designed a life she loved

As most of us are aware, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This month is both sad and happy for me, it's sad because there were so many beautiful souls whom we have lost to breast cancer. It's also a happy month because we get to see both men and women supporting each other. Many are still fighting their battle today.

Breast cancer is frightening to hear for a woman. Women are such power houses. I am still in awe when I meet women who are mothers, full time workers, running a side business and still maintain a healthy lifestyle. There are so many Super Women out there...(yep..that includes you Mama) 

Karama Company is all about giving back, that is why we wanted to dedicate this month's charity to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. All through the month of October, whatever you purchase from our shop, a part of your purchase will go towards helping find a cure for breast cancer.

If you have a charity in mind please nominate it and we might dedicate next month to your charity of choice. 

I have also created 3 new prints , which 100% of the proceeds will be donated to the foundation.


Please also enjoy the FREE wallpaper, for all your devices.  Download now


May the Lord send us all good health and fortune.

Make something beautiful,

MINDHoda Jaludi1 Comment