Holistic Ways to Heal SAD (Seasonal Affective Depression) - Seasonal Depression

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Hello Beautiful Souls! Today I wanted to share with you something that I personally suffer from. S.A.D.(Seasonal Affective Disorder). During the colder months, I fall into depression. It was something I never understood until I studied Design Psychology. Knowing that my body was trying to tell me something all this time made me feel alot better. I listened to my body and decided to fix this problem. I knew I had to share with you my holistic healing tips.

What is SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) aka Seasonal Depression?

It is a type of depression that comes in the colder months.

Here are some common SAD symptoms:

  • Sleeping habits that are different from your usual routine

  • Lack of energy

  • Feeling hopeless or worthless

  • Drastic changes in your weight or appetite

  • Difficulty enjoying the fun things you used to love

How does this happen?

Because of the longer nights, our biological clock (circadith rhythm) is disrupted and an overproduction of melatonin is released which is the hormone that helps regulate our sleep patterns. Less daylight means less Vitamin D which drops our serotonin levels. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter (brain chemical) that helps our sense of well-being and happiness. People dealing with SAD also produce less vitamin D.

How can we fix this?

Here are my Holistic Healing Tips.

Light Therapy.

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Exposure to light is important during this time. However, because there is a shortage of it during the colder months you would need to mimic the sunlight and the best way to do that is using a Happy Light.

20-60 mins a day of sitting next to your happy light in the morning will help regulate your serotonin levels and decrease depression.

Food/ Physical Therapy

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Vitamin D helps promote the production of serotonin. However, we get most of our Vitamin D from the Sun. We can however get 10% from foods like Eggs, Mushrooms, and Fish. Another is a way of getting supplements. Before you do please check with your doctor.

Exercise is also really important. Working out during the morning can stimulate a cortisol spike which can help you wake up. Working out is really important because it produces endorphins which are happy hormones.

Interior/Color Therapy

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Declutter your environment can affect your mood. A nice and neat space can help you feel better. Change up your space. You don’t need to do anything special just tidy up, decorate, and create a happy space.

Adding warm colors (reds, browns, and oranges) can help promote a sense of warmness and happiness. Try adding touches of those colors around your home. Opt-out of dark and monochromatic looks. These aren’t ideal for your mood if you suffer from depression.

Your home is your safe haven make it cozy as much as you can. Add soft textures like throw blankets, soft velvet pillows, and candles.

I hope these tips helped you! If you find yourself in deep dark thoughts please make time to talk to a professional. Traditional Therapy is always the best to go to when you feel like you can’t get out of this dark moment.

Your mind and body are telling you something. Trust in the process and understand that this too shall pass. Happy Healing my loves :)



Hi Beautiful Souls! Today I'm sharing holistic healing tips for seasonal affective disorder aka seasonal depression. This is something I go through myself.



Holistic Healing Tips for Seasonal Depression- Karama by Hoda.jpg