Spring Refresh Do's

Spring is finally here! The rainy weather is perfect to stay home and clear out what is no longer serving. Spring is a sign of renewal. The flowers and trees are in full bloom. This is the perfect time to realign with your goals. Western culture has you believing that January is the time to start new things but if you look at nature you notice that everything is going to hibernation mode. Spring however is the perfect time to create new habits and goals.

When it comes to feeling more grounded and peace of mind, body and soul you should look into nature because you are from nature.

As the April showers bring May flowers you should focus on how to create your own blooms in your life. With that being said here are some tips and must haves to use this spring.


Some things you need to declutter for your mind are apps and junk emails you no longer need. It might not seem like a big thing but trust me it is. You no all those videos you saved? Well have you watch any of them back? Chances are no you haven’t. Delete them. Emails delete them. Unsubscribe to newsletters you don’t need. Apps you haven’t open in months delete that. This digital cleanse plays a part in your mental wellbeing because it will be on the back of your mind and if you are no longer using it it’s no longer serving you soo DELETE!


Throw that shirt. Ya the one you said you’d wear last year but never did. If it’s in good use give it away.

Wardrobe rule: if you haven’t worn it in a year get rid of it.

Your body deserves to be dressed in the finest materials, this boost your confidence. I spent two weeks emptying out my closets and boy did it feel good!

Your body also needs to detox, this is where you start doing the workout you put off and start drinking more water. My favorite way to start my day is drinking either lemon water or turmeric tea (recipe down below)


You know that cute cup with the small chip? Yea throw it. These little things puts your brain into scarcity mindset. Let your brain Believe that you can afford to live life enjoying the finer things even if your bank account doesn’t agree. Haha There’s still affordable kitchenware you can find! Check these out!

I suggest changing up the theme of your house every season. Every three months is a great way to make your home feel like a fresh new place. Remember your home needs to be your safe Haven. Get rid of things that no longer serve you & add things that bring joy to your space.

Stoneware Bowl
Sale Price: $5.99 Original Price: $9.99
Woven Basket
Sale Price: $5.99 Original Price: $9.99
Blushing Arabesque Tea Towels - Set of 2
Sale Price: $21.97 Original Price: $29.99